Sunday, September 16, 2007

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reference PS game and entertainment

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Most gamer all over the world waiting for this game, I swear!
Indonesian gamer like me also waiting too. The game was FINAL FANTASY XIII!
Consist of some version, two for Playstation 2 and another one was mobile
game. Rumor said that FF XIII also made for XBOX 360 and PSP, I think
FF XIII will be made for more consoles to increase popularity for Final
Fantasy and income of SQUARE-ENIX.


I'll show you some cool and exciting PS2 game I ever played, most of
them is action adventure game, but I like RPG too. Let find them at your
favorite game shop and prepare your PS2 console.Half of this post
written in Indonesian.


This is usually a program that performs the same operation of another program or a piece of hardware. For example, there are programs that allow a PC to act like a Commodore 64, a Nintendo Entertainment System (and Play Station too) or even a Macintosh. These emulators are often developed by talented programmers just to prove that something can be done.


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Chinese zuì hòu, zuì zhōng, 最後, 最終, 最后, 最终
Dutch bepaald, beslist, definitief, een conclusie wettigend, eindelijk, eventueel, finaal, gebeurlijk, onherroepelijk, per saldo, per se, strikt, ten slotte, uiteindelijk, volstrekt, vooral, voorgoed, zeker, afdoend
French finale, finale
German endgьltig, endlich, schlieЯlich, abschlieЯend
Greek αποφασιστικός, αποφασιστικός
Italian finale, finale
Japanese inbo, ketteiteki, kouki, kuukoku, kuukou, saishuu, shuukoku, いんぼ, きゅうきょう, きゅうきょく, けっていてき, こうき, さいしゅう, しゅうきょく, ファイナル, 後期, 最終, 決定的, 究極, 究竟, 窮極, 終極, 韻母
Malay muktamad, akhir
Norwegian finale, finale
Polish finał, finał
Portuguese final, final
Russian последний выпуск газеты, последний заезд в скачках, решающая игра, выпускные экзамены
Serbian odlucujuci, krajnji
Spanish final
Swahili kataa, kataa
Swedish final, final

Chinese huàn, huàn xiǎng, 幻, 幻想, 幻, 幻想
Dutch verbeeldingskracht, fantasie
French fantaisie
Greek αποκύημα φαντασίας
Italian fantasia
Japanese gensoukoku, kuusou, mugen, yumemaboroshi, くうそう, げんそうきょく, むげん, ゆめまぼろし, ファンタジー, 夢幻, 幻想曲, 空想
Malay khayalan, khayal
Polish fantazją
Portuguese fantasia
Serbian kapric, fantazija
Spanish fantasнa
Swedish fantasier

Chinese bǎ xì, yóu xì, 把戲, 遊戲, 把戏, 游戏
Dutch boud, brutaal, dapper, dik, dol, doldriftig, ferm, gedurfd, koppelen, lijvig, lucifer, match, militant, onvervaard, paren, spel, spelen, spinnijdig, stout, stoutmoedig, strijdlustig, stuk, toneelstuk, uitvoeren, vechtlustig, verbolgen, vermetel, verwoed, voorspelen, waaghalzerig, wild, woedend, woest, bespelen
French jeu, un jeu, jeu
Germanspiel, wild, wildbret, beherzt
Greek αγώνας, αγώνας
Indonesian permainan
Italian gioco, gioco
Japanese asobigoto, emono, issen, kaisen, kougi, rou, shiai, shoubu, shuukaku, teawase, yuugi, あそびごと, いっせん, えもの, かいせん, きょうぎ, しあい, しゅうかく, しょうぶ, てあわせ, ゆうぎ, りょう, ゲーム, 一戦, 勝負, 収獲, 回戦, 手合わせ, 猟, 獲物, 競技, 試合, 遊び事, 遊戯
Korean 놀이
Latinvenatio, ludus
Malay berani, berjuang terus, berke-, bertenaga, big ~:perburuan hewan, cacat, lumpuh, mauan, timpang
Norwegian spill, spill
Polish grą, grą
Portuguese jogo
Russianдичь, игра, играть в азартные игры, смелый, готовый"сделать что либо"
Serbian kocka, lov, sala, igra
Spanish el juego
Swahili bao, bao
Swedish spel, spel

Ditulis Oleh : indrazz // 9:54 PM

1 komentar:

Peter @ Enviroman said...

Selamat hari indr@

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Peter (Blog*Star)
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