Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Indonesia Game Show atmosphere

Hi there at Indonesia game Show you can find many kind of activities and booth that represent game industry in Indonesia. you can can enjoy show on stage that makes visitor fun anytime, representatives of game developer in my country, non-electronic games (Trading Card Game and Board Game) and online game. And you can find arcade game. The seminar at this event also great to be join in. And do not forget the cosplay party on Saturday 15 November (now it passed ha ha).
Check the atmosphere on this image;

Pada pameran tersebut Anda dapat menemukan banyak acara dan booth yang mewakili industri game di Indonesia. Anda dapat menikmati acara di panggung yang menghibur pengunjung setiap saat, perlombaan game, perwakilan para developer game Indonesia, game non-elektronik (Trading Card Game dan Board Game), dan game online. Bahkan, Anda dapat menemukan arena bermain arcade (mesin ding-dong) yang menarik di dekat panggung utama.

Ditulis Oleh : indrazz // 7:26 PM

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