Tuesday, June 24, 2008

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

One piece Movie 9

Like One Piece Movie prequel titled "episode of Alabaster-sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi" which tells a flash back story one of nakama Luffy (Luffy's crews), Nefertari Vivi, to prevent conquer plan for alabaster Kingdom by Shichibukai Crocodile. One Piece latest movie tells flash back story one of Straw Hat Pirate crews. Tony Tony Chopper. Including this latest movie, there are 2 flash back One Piece movies that tell Luffy's crews.

Presence of Nico Robin and Franky makes this movie interesting, Thousand Sunny's ship substitute Going Merry, Wapol's inferiors wasn't Chess-Marimo anymore, and some scenes were modified from the original. This 9th movie certainly will more fun than the anime version. So for One Piece fans, don't forget to watch this latest movie. Premier of One Piece Movie 9: Episode of Chopper-Fuyu Ni Saku, Kiseki No Sakura was held in Japan March 2008.


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