Monday, September 24, 2007

6.Title : Resident evil 4Genre: Action horrorPublisher: CapcomPlatform: PS2The 4th RE series, a game which become hits everywhere, Leon was a USelite ranger who ordered to find president daughter who kidnapped andhostaged at somewhere in isolated village with mining site. Leon mustdefeat...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

!!!CAUTION!!!My blog will be posted mostly in english by this tag to your blog or sites if you think my blog was useful<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="reference PS game and entertainment"src=""...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

PS2 emulator

Wanna play PS2 game on your PC? You can try PS2 emulator, let'sdownload it at, but remember not all game can played withthis emulator, there are too much emulator application offered, but noneof them can play PS2 game perfectly. In fact emulators which made byirresponsible hackers couldn't...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Shadow of Colossus

5.Title: Shadow of ColossusGenre:Action adventurePublisher:SCEIPlatform:PS 2The original title is "wander & giants", this game takeplace on an alternate universe. There was a boy ride the horse want toheal his friend from the curse, he ordered by holy spirit to defeat giantscalled...

Onimusha Dawn of dream

4.Title :Onimusha Dawn of dreamGenre :Action adventurePublisher:CapcomPlatform : PS 2Story to deploy Oda Nobunaga is main plot of this game, you cancontrol total 4 heroes to complete the mission, you can use each characterto find the secret of each place.This game graphic is...

Monday, September 3, 2007

game I ever played

1. Judul : Devil May Cry 3 Dante Awakening Genre :Action AdventurePublisher :CapcomDescription:not yet2. Judul : God of warGenre: Action adventurePublisher: SCEIThis game told the bravely and also cruelty of the Spartan warlord whosacrified his family to get the glory of his race...

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