Friday, December 26, 2008

Latest Suikoden RPG game

I don't know why? Suikoden always makes me happy when play it with my friend, I always play this game at Playstation rental, well that's really weird, are you happy? From Suikoden 1 which is contains old style 2D graphic, with retro game engine, Playstation One ha ha. I always ask...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Finally I got laptop buying guide

Where we can check the price of every personal computer that you want to buy? Come on don't make yourself look like a stupid guy who know nothing about PC, because you're always asking and asking all item's prices, you need to read the reviews as a buying guide, including laptop...

Friday, December 19, 2008

File registry error

Actually we never get problem when looking for file extensions the windows operating system, if we looking for them on right place. Some websites share windows extensions free, but some share unsatisfied item, and we need the trusted website. View months ago I got problem with the registry, I don't...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Games for Sony Ericsson Xperia

What's new on gadget world? That's right! The brand new and coolest gadget nowadays is Sony Ericsson Xperia, do you buy it now,or you have touch your friend's Xperia? hahah.. actually I know nothing about this gadget, so I try to collect information about Xperia especially for the...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Broadband forum in UK

What do you think about broadband? Usually people use the term broadband for Broadband Internet access i.e. high-speed Internet access. This internet access service has developed today guys and it become prospecting business, well actually I wanna talk about this broadband topic...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Indonesia Game Show atmosphere

Hi there at Indonesia game Show you can find many kind of activities and booth that represent game industry in Indonesia. you can can enjoy show on stage that makes visitor fun anytime, representatives of game developer in my country, non-electronic games (Trading Card Game and Board...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Drug abuse treatment in San Diego

Yes is true that somebody said that human always through trials and challenges of their life. There are many level of difficulty of how we can succeed when through it. I will tell you about the dramatical story of my relative in San Diego who was once a drug and alcohol addict. That...

Computer and iPhone Games

Yeah I'm a computer game freak? Well, I got good info for all PC gamers nowadays, we can just select a game that you fancy in the internet. As for me, am not really into computer games, well actually I get eye irritation problems when I'm in front of a monitor for an hour and more. But...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Indonesia game show will come

Don't forget The Great Game Show ever in Indonesia 2008. Indonesia Game Show 12-16 November 2008 at Jakarta Convention Center. This is the first video game expo held in Indonesia. Game industry become bigger and bigger and more developed are the reasons why this event will show off....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wanna Play Online Casino ?

Do you know what are online casinos ? The casinos online also know like casinos the Internet or virtual casinos. Like offline casinos, the online casinos offer a variety of games. Also, a great advantage of online casinos above to the casino out of line is that they have lower indirect...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Picture hosting service

The technology has become much and the man must compete with the world and must be successful in him. The digital cameras have begun to dominate in the present situation and each search so that a better place stores to its data and other entrances. Here it is a new called site

Monday, October 27, 2008

Best image hosting on Acobox

Hi there do you looking for best image hosting for your blog? or you're a photographer? You have some great photograph masterpiece, but got a problem how to show them online on the net like blog, forum or any web page. I found a best place for host your image, there are acobox which...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wanna get free credit report ?

In each and every obligation to get. However, if immediate, with all the financial obligations? This is a very difficult part of the whole load, would face. To accept all the consequences, and may be difficult to pay for the management of all this is just a unit of the fingers. Feeling like a dagger...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Playstation 3 modification

I am mad to find a site that contains all about hacking, cracking, modification of the PlayStation 3, gosh you can try learning mad-modify PlayStation 3 by, you can go to this site right now, guaranteed mad modification of reasons, I do not guarantee the PS 3 machines if you will not...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sony mengupdate software Playstation 3

The PLAYSTATION ® 3 sistem pembaruan perangkat lunak mungkin termasuk patch keamanan, baru atau direvisi dan pengaturan fitur dan item lainnya, yang akan mengubah sistem operasi Anda saat ini. Kami mendorong Anda untuk memeriksa halaman ini dari waktu ke waktu untuk pembaruan perangkat...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do You Need Debt Consolidation ?

The life is complex or no, beautiful or it is not following the person who has faced up itself. This one is also the same principle in the field of the business. When we are speaking something on business, the then art and extremities that we must know first on the philosophy on business. The business...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Digital Camera Shopping Guide

The digital cameras are one of the most remarkable cases of this change because they are so truly different from his precursor. The conventional cameras depend entirely on chemical and mechanical processes. You don't electricity of the necessity to even work them. Beside of that, this century is really...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Playstation 3 di Jogja/Yogyakarta

Hai hai nulis lagi nih. Banyak waktu yang terbuang semenjak aku nggak nulis blog ini, halah ngelantur. Langsung saja yah, kemarin saya lihat ada sebuah toko di jalan Gejayan Yogyakarta (cari sendiri yah soale bukan iklan) menyediakan Playstation 3 dan juga banyak figurin game dan...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Be a Professional Medical Technician

For those of you that look for race ideal in the future and interested to study of home, there is Here you cause sorrow simply select of the educative programs of the race that adapt with you and find the program of the certificate or of degree that the best games its interests...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Best Web Hosting is Here

Desire so that my site is in good condition in the net without problem so the money all along and all are doing me what I must worry to me around is arriving at visitors site, doing the best SEO, obtaining to the pointed repeated visitors, maximizing my sites I benefit, etc. I don' t wants to have to...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Easy to Find Personal Loans

The personal loans us have been always useful. And there are many companies that the opportunity gives us to have personal loans. But the question we are, we are in the suitable company? These companies have enough advantages for their clients? well, here' s what that could help him.

Looking for Poker Stuff ?

The poker tables of the furniture will be used exclusively in the home and are often much more to pricier. Often these tables are made of the wood and are beautiful to watch. Whereas these tables initially seem expensive, compared to a similar table of the dining room they can be very affordable. You...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Link Love

forum purworejo JAF's blog shirei blog peter chen blog Ririn Erina Kurnia touring Devi home-design fysal parker Tarakanbais Lisa's blog Dasir semua-bisnis Final Fantasy Planet Ankit Gala Ankit Education Ankit Entertainment Foto...

Upgrade Your Server with Latest Hardware

The PC wholesale is a world-wide leader in improvements of the memory of Cisco. It has much election of the memory of Cisco for routeres for all its necessities of the computer. The wholesale sales of the PC carreg a complete line of Cisco approved and the compatible memory of the third for all devices...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Healthy Diet with Phentermine

Are you being stress with your diet? Actually many middle aged female become stress when their various diet programs, so what's the solution to get a healthy and no pain diet? Here's Phentermine, a diet pill which can working fast as appetite suppressant. Amazing Phentermine consist of many kind packages.Phentermin™...

Whaddup FF XIII; Final Fantasy XIII for Xbox 360

Pada Maret 2007 lalu, setelah sehari yang lalu diluncurkan DMC 4 dan Ace Combat 6 yang menjadi game multi platform, sekarang kita bisa dengar, courtesy dari Gamespot, Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, Georges Fornay direktur SCEF, memunculkan adanya kemungkinan FF XIII di 'Xbox-kan'.Kemudian...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Increase Your Data Security with

I found a site that offers new and refurbished switches, routers, servers, firewalls, telecommunications and security products. They provide products of the greater trade names and more famous like Cisco, Nortel, Avaya, HP, Dell, Compaq, IBM etc. Also, they offer to services of professional authorized...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stay Up to Date with Direct TV

Are you being bored in this Ramadhan which you cannot leave because you are too sluggish or your girlfriend stay away from hot event? By all means you something stay at home, to come up with thirsty watching with little television channel until the time has come. It is an activity so bored whereas you...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cheap Web Hosting for Newbie Blogger

Last 6 months many blogger friends told me that their blog being self hosted at trusted web hosting, they also buy a domain at this web hosting service, but view days ago some of my blogger friends said that their 'trusted web hosting' contact them if this service have a problem in hardware, unfortunately...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

New PSP Model, more slimmer and lighter

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--Rumours have been flying around for a while that the PlayStation Portable would be getting a redesign.One of the first rumours came from a UK event to launch the PSP in Education initiative, where Sony Computer Entertainment Europe managing director Ray Maguire...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unsecured Business Loans on the net

In deciding to obtain a Business Loan or a line of accreditation is hard to weed with the novel, so as to AFS, to only offers the facts it. Here, we use studying surveys of lenders, introducing your questions of loan and that controlling the interactive technology advanced of Web site and communication...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Find Xbox Game Cheats, GTA 4 and Gears of War 2

Do you get problem when looking for game cheats for Xbox? Now you can visit many sites on the net to looking for it, but where's the best? Today I find a site that has many kind of multi platform game reviews complete with their cheats, hints, walkthroughs, gamers forum and strategies...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Review of Qosmio X300, notebook for mobile gaming

JAKARTA - Mobile gamers negeri ini seakan dimanjakan dengan beredarnya berbagai produk notebook khusus gamers. Salah satunya notebook gamers keluaran Toshiba bisa menjadi pilihan.Produsen notebook papan atas ini menyebut produknya Qosmio X300, yang merupakan perluasan dari seri Qosmio...

Join Online Casinos? Why not

All local people will visit mountains of Genting generally if she thinks about playing in the casino games. One hopes that few years she advanced some of the players more move to the new casinos of Singapore. But you know that there are much people of the western countries that play the Online Casinos...

Find USA Online Casinos

In industry in the USA Online Casino it is a pioneering site that this site provides an enormous system of games onlines. In the USA Online Casinos are really popular and all the people talk about in line playing games. This site is really beneficial for the people who do not know...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for ffblast.blogspot.comIf you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Playstation 3 in Japan

Nintendo's console lead in japan isn't growing as fast as it used to but it's still growing. Playstation 3 sales overtake xbox 360 in japan - xbox ebay: find ceramic white ps3 system 40gb playstation 3 japan imprt in the video games , systems category on ebay. Sony playstation 3 site launches in japan...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Playstation 3 in Indonesia

You can buy Playstation 3 in Jakarta Indonesia at Glodok with package list;Package: 220 voltage (Asia Version), HD 40 & 80GB.- 1 pcs Stik Dualshock Wireless(sixaxis)- 1 pcs Kabel AV.- 1 pcs PS3 Console Guard.Price list (depend on the HDD);40 GB Rp 5.000.000,-80 GB Rp 5.500.000,-beli...

Playstation 3 60 GB HDD product review

Product SummaryThe good: elegant design with quiet operation, all games in high-definition; PSP-like user interface; plays high-def Blu-ray movies in addition to scaling standard DVDs, built - Wi-Fi and flash media reader, 60GB hard drive; online play is free; HDMI output with 1080p support, no external...

Final Fantasy XIII latest tags

Reviews, previews, interviews, and the latest news for final fantasy versus xiii on the sony playstation 3. Final fantasy xiii a general gaming site that ranges content from final fantasy to half-life 2 over the last hour or so the square-enix press conference has been underway, and the most notable....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Free download Final Fantasy midi song

Free Final Fantasy Ringtones Free Video Game Ringtones Final Fantasy 4 Midis Final Fantasy 5 Midis Final Fantasy 6 Midis Final Fantasy 7 Midis Final Fantasy 8 Midis Final Fantasy 9 Midis Final Fantasy 10 Midis Final Fantasy 10-2 Midis Final Fantasy 11 Midis Final Fantasy Mystic...

Rame-rame Bisnis Reviews di Blog

Apa itu PTR? Adalah program Paid To Review atau juga sering disebut PPR (Paid Per review), program periklanan melalui penulisan review produk atau layanan para advertiser yang ditulis oleh blogger atau webmaster. Review ditulis di blog atau situs mereka, para blogger mendapat royalti...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

One piece Movie 9

Like One Piece Movie prequel titled "episode of Alabaster-sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi" which tells a flash back story one of nakama Luffy (Luffy's crews), Nefertari Vivi, to prevent conquer plan for alabaster Kingdom by Shichibukai Crocodile. One Piece latest movie tells flash back story one of...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Penis Enlargement Service

Many married man wanna enlarge their penis with penis enlargement surgery but several recent news reports have indicated that many men who undergo penis enlargement surgery have been unhappy with the results. And what's the solution? We offering our service named proextender. We have been selling only...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Iron man Movie 2008 May 2nd 2008

Iron man movie wallpapers, pictures, images, gallery, screenshot of the official website, and story , I will update the game so...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5Developer: CapcomPublisher: CapcomExpected Release: TBA 2008Console: PS 3Overview: So far, little is know about Resident Evil's newest entry in the series. Judging from the trailer, gameplay looks to be reminiscent of Resident Evil 4 and will feature villagers that...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Naruto Playstation 2 game

Title: Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 for PS2 Genre:Action adventure Publisher:Bandai Platform: PS 2Naruto was a most popular anime title, the popularity throughs all ofentertainment element such as anime, manga, wardrobe style (especiallyin Japan), merchandises, action figures,...

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